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Your request to start the memorial creation process has been sent. We will review and reach out to you as soon as possible. Please see below for the full memorial creation process.

The Memorial Creation Process at Beloved Asheville

Step 1: Memorial Submission

The process begins when an individual or organization interested in creating a digital memorial tribute on Beloved Asheville’s website submits a formal memorial application. This application should include details about the proposed tribute, its purpose, and any relevant information about the deceased loved one it aims to honor and preserve.

Step 2: Initial Review and Evaluation

Upon receiving the memorial submission, the Beloved Asheville team responsible for overseeing memorials reviews the application to ensure it aligns with the organization’s mission and guidelines, which prioritize honoring and preserving the memory of deceased loved ones.

Step 3: Application Clarification

 If the initial review identifies gaps or questions in the submission, the applicant may be contacted to provide further information or clarification about the proposed digital memorial tribute.

Step 4: Donations

While not mandatory, individuals or organizations may choose to make a voluntary donation to Beloved Asheville to support the creation and hosting of the digital memorial tribute. These donations directly contribute to the organization’s efforts to honor and preserve the memory of deceased loved ones.

Step 5: Detailed Tribute Submission

Once the initial review is satisfactory, the applicant may be asked to submit a more detailed tribute, which includes content such as written messages, photographs, videos, or other digital elements that help commemorate the deceased loved one. Any optional donations received can help Beloved Asheville continue its vital work.

Step 6: Review Committee Assessment

A specialized committee or panel, often consisting of experts in relevant fields and Beloved Asheville representatives, assesses the detailed tribute submission. They evaluate the tribute’s alignment with the organization’s mission of honoring and preserving memories.

Step 7: Community and Stakeholder Input

In some cases, Beloved Asheville may seek public input and feedback from relevant stakeholders to gather perspectives on the proposed digital memorial tribute. This input helps ensure that the tribute serves its intended purpose.

Step 8: Approval Process

The memorial tribute submission, along with the committee’s recommendations and stakeholder feedback, are presented to the Beloved Asheville decision-making body for final approval. This decision is made with a focus on how the tribute can effectively honor and preserve the memory of the deceased loved one.

Step 9: Approval Notification

 If the memorial tribute is approved, the applicant is formally notified by Beloved Asheville. This notification includes details about the next steps in the tribute creation process.

Step 10: Digital Tribute Creation and Hosting

With approval granted, the creation and hosting of the digital memorial tribute on Beloved Asheville’s website begins. The tribute content is uploaded, and its presentation is designed to effectively honor and preserve the memory of the deceased loved one.

Monitoring and Maintenance

Throughout the process, the applicant receives regular updates on the progress of the digital memorial tribute creation. After the digital memorial tribute is hosted, ongoing monitoring and maintenance ensure that it remains accessible and preserves the memory of the deceased loved one effectively. 

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